Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Home Movie Transfer 8mm, Super 8mm & 16mm

I've loved home movies my whole life. Among my fondest memories growing up in Indiana are the times we dimmed the lights, made some popcorn, started the movie projector, and watched our family adventures on film. I can still remember my Uncle Willard shouting at the screen: “Jump, Jump Robert.” and then laughing so loud! He thought it was so funny that as a two year old, I could not jump! Watching those old movies was the beginning of my love of movies and that's why I've been in this business for over thirty-five years. 
Transferring home movies both from film and videotape is a big part of our business. For those of you who don’t know me personally, I got into this business producing, directing and editing TV Commercials and corporate film and video. I used to edit film on my Moviola Flatbed in my mobile home back in Covington, Indiana! (We eventually moved out of that mobile home and I sold the Moviola in the late 1980s. But yes… I started my career cutting film). 
So it is kind of fitting that film is a big part of our current business. We understand film and transfer technology. Indianapolis is our headquarters and we have fifty other locations in the United States. I started it all from my fourth bedroom. By the way, if you know someone who likes video, movies, film, computers, tech and/or wants to work from home, send them to us. We put people in the video business. It is a great second or third career. Plus we give you a $3000.00 referral fee if the person you send purchases a studio ($70,000.00 investment). 
Back to home movies - we have one of the best transfer systems in the world – a Flashscan system imported from Germany. It takes about $100,000.00 to set up a Flashscan and although we give mom and pop service (that’s a good thing!) we actually have one of the most sophisticated transfer technologies in the world. When you bring or send us your film, we are transferring your precious memories with the best technology and the greatest care. All of our transfer techs have degrees in media and film. We take great care to provide you with the best possible product and service. 
What kind of film comes in? We get old16mm from the 1920s through the 1980s and 8mm/Super 8mm from the 1940s to the 1980s - footage that Mom and Dad, Grandpa and Grandma shot – family stuff mostly. The same types of stuff that you found in your Mom’s closet last weekend. Do you have the little blue plastic reels that are the size of the palm of your hand or the little yellow boxes? Perhaps you have a stack of 400’ reels in cans. 
We distribute on DVD and DVA. Some of our customers still want DVDs but most now are opting for DVA - Digital Video Archive. Go to for more info. They provide a great service. DVAs have the best attributes of the old DVDS so every DVA includes a Chapter Timeline and this really enhances your viewing experience. 
Digital Video Archive is like having a movie studio in your browser. Once your film or tape is on DVA, you can go into your DVA account and add or change titles, add descriptions, add chapters and also edit your videos. I know one of the questions you’re thinking… you don’t know what is on a lot of your tapes and reels of film and you wish there was a way to see it. We have a solution to this. Once we have transferred your film to DVA you can watch, figure out what is going on in your videos and then add the proper titles and descriptions. This is a very valuable service. 
The other great thing with Digital Video Archive is that you can edit your DVAs! This is huge! You edit online. But the biggest plus to having your tapes and film on DVA is the private sharing. You can instant share your videos with friends and family. This is a wonderful thing and it is so easy. You can access your DVAs from your smart phone, smart TV, tablet or computer. Plus you can upload your smartphone to your DVA account and edit and share that too. 
So at Home Video Studio, we have the best of the old tech and the newest/best transfer systems and distributing software in the world – Flashscan and DVA. 
Technology has changed but there is still magic in dimming the lights, making popcorn, and reliving those adventures. It's the wheel of life. This is a wonderful business to be in and we love it. Give us a call if we can help you.
or go to our website:

Oh, and I can jump now! 

May the Force be with You!

Robert Hanley
President & Founder Home Video Studio

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