Tuesday, June 20, 2017

One of the reasons I got into the video business was because I had a strong desire to be behind the camera. I wanted to shoot, direct and edit my own movies. I remember shooting my first super-8mm film when I was seventeen. I called it: Graduate With an Axe! (Don't ask...) Of course it was a smash hit - not!  But is started me on a lifelong journey of shooting and editing film and video. Plus now I help people into the video business as well (we have a great opportunity in Greenwood, Indiana). 

My question for you today is this. Do you have old films? Do you have old reels of film? You know, those old blue reels (round of course!). What's on them? How can you watch them nowadays? 

The first step is to break them out of the closet, garage, attic. Plan this well. Make sure you liberate your old movies in a gentle but efficient manner. Oh heck... just get them out of the house any way possible! Do it tonight! What have you been waiting for? 

The second step is to get into your car and drive to your closest Home Video Studio. Or you can send your films to us. That's fine. 

Seriously, there are over fifty Home Video Studios across the country who can help you transfer your old movies and tapes. Our studio in Indianapolis, is the headquarters. Home Video Studio specializes in film transfer. We do a great job. We'll do a great job for you and your family. 

Check us out at Homevideostudio.com/cas

And... if you want to start your own studio, we can help with that too: www.myhomevideostudio.com. Remember we have a great opportunity in Greenwood, Indiana and in Naples, Florida.  

Now... give us a call at 317-577-8220 or come into 8148 Raven Rock Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana 46256. You can also call Toll Free: 1-800-660-8273. 

May the Force be with You!

Robert Hanley
President, Home Video Studio

Oh and you'll want to break out the Popcorn!

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