Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The World is Changing... Change Your Old Video!

Leading up to the Summer Olympics, exes at NBC Universal thought that the ratings for the 2016 completion would outstrip London from four years ago. After the opening ceremony, they started to become worried. In fact as it turned out viewer across all platforms were down 9%. Even worse… much worse… the Nielsen TV ratings revealed a dim, grim and even grimmer tale. Viewers for the August 5th Open ceremonies were down 28%.

One of the bright spots from this year’s Olympics was streaming video – digital content delivery. Ten percent of NBCU’s ad revenue for Rio came from digital. No doubt viewership patterns will continue to change with the next Olympics.

Note that no one watched the Olympics on a DVD or a thumb drive. I still love TV and I love my DVD business but what I am truly excited about is our DVA business that we are building all over Indianapolis and surrounding areas. Of course, speaking as the CEO of Digital Video Archive… the worldwide business we are building with DVA is what is exciting. Our latest country for us to branch out into is Australia. 

People want to view their personal video in the same way they connect with everybody else now – on their mobile devices. 

Gather up your old movies, tapes and DVDs and find a DVA Authorized Rep to assist you in the professional conversion and upload to your new Digital Video Archive account. 

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