Tuesday, June 14, 2016

As you may know... June 14, 1991 was the day that I decided to change my life. I was thirty-five years old. Technically I was an out-of-work Producer/Director/Editor. I was broke. Denise was working full-time as an RN to support our family. We had a three-year old and a six-year old. (Nicole and Aaron) I was a stay-at-home Dad. 

I was ready for a life-change – a game changer as they say. I felt like I was on the verge  something... As May turned into June that year, I felt a growing sense of destiny which was closely followed by a shadow of despair.  As I like to say now (it is easier to say now!) at that time in my life... "I was a “wandering generality.”

June 14, 1991 was a Red Letter Day for me. 

On June, 14th, 1991, I made a decision that would pay off for me personally and financially that year. Eventually that decision would blossom into the Home Video Studio opportunity. The opportunity that many have taken over the years. 

Basically I made a decision to move forward on that day. Before June 14th, 1991, I was allowing myself to be pulled in several directions and going nowhere. After, June 14th, I was totally focused. I had a purpose!   

That purpose has grown into the Home Video Studio Family, the studios, the Getaways, the Advanced Trainings, The Great American Home Movie and Digital Video Archive. I truly value the friendships that Denise and I have made over the years with our studio owners - you - and of course the journey we have been on. It is always the journey right... the destination keeps on moving.

I have taken some incredible risks over the years, had a lot of successes and made a few mistakes as well. Always with me has been that purpose that I found 25 years ago.

It's good to remember the past and then move forward - ever forward. 

I truly love what I do and I appreciate all of you. Please join us for the next twelve months as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary! 

Robert Hanley
CEO, Home Video Studio & Digital Video Archive

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