Monday, November 28, 2016

Transfer your Videotapes and old Home Movie Film to DVD and DVA - The Digital Video Archive Cloud!

The Holiday Season is nearly upon us! And surely you know video was made for this season. Is there a better time to share and create memories than while family and friends are all around? Call us today!

Here are some ideas for this precious time of year:

       Do you have 8mm or 16mm home movies? They are priceless! Transfer them to DVD or DVA – Digital Video Archive so you and your loved ones will enjoy them for decades to come!
       Do you have 8mm or 16mm home movies? They are priceless! Transfer them to DVD or DVA – Digital Video Archive so you and your loved ones will enjoy them for decades to come!
       Do something with those still photos and 35mm slides! Are they sitting around in boxes? A Photo Video Keepsake will take your favorite photos and slides and produce a one-of-a-kind montage complete with titles, special effects and music. And think of the space you’ll save putting all your stills on a DVD or thumb drive! Plus you and your loved ones will enjoy these precious images even more when they are digitized and convenient.
       What are you doing with your smartphone videos? Instead of sending traditional paper greeting cards, how about putting some of the year’s video clips on a video video Christmas card? What about the videos you shoot during your family get-togethers? We can edit your video clips from before, during, and after Christmas into a creative family video. Don’t leave your videos from this special time on your phone! Let’s get creative!

Don’t delay. Call us today! 1-317-577-8220.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Transferring Audio Cassettes and Quarter Inch Tape to CD & Digital Files

Do you have audio cassettes from the 1970's? Maybe you have quarter inch audiotape on reels from the 1950's and 1960's. You may even have audio on wire reels from the 1930's & 40's. Good news! Home Video Studio's transfers all three of these audio formats to Gold Archival CDs.

All of these aged audio formats are delicate so we treat them with tender loving care. Here's the thing: most of our customers don't even know what is on their audiotape. You may have a pretty good idea - like "Grandpa talking from the battlefields of WWII" or "Mom singing a country and western song" but you may be unsure of the subject, the quality and the length of the recording. The only thing you are sure of is that these audio programs are precious. That's where we come in!

We'll take your tapes, cassettes and old wire recordings directly into our recording studio for an archival playback. Many times we have to nurse these old tapes along, but we are dedicated to you and your precious memories and we care about getting your audio programs transferred in the best way possible.

Here's what you'll get with our audio transfer process:

TLC - We'll handle your audio with the greatest care.
We'll use the best "top-notch" equipment available to transfer your delicate tapes.

It's simply the best audio transfer available.

You've found the right place! Home Video Studio Indianapolsi has the experience, the technology and the concern and care to make the best audio transfers for you and your audio programs.

Call 1-317-577-8220 or Toll Free 1-800-660-8273.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Join our Fall Food Drive - Transfer Your Videotapes & Home Movies While Helping Others!


We love this business! And who wouldn’t? Most often, as we transfer old videos and home movies to DVD and DVA - Digital Video Archive, we see families. Families laughing. Families playing. Families hugging. Families sitting down to dinner and yes, families eating.
Whether a formal Thanksgiving feast or a picnic in the park, breaking bread together makes up a lot of our precious memories. That’s why, as the Holiday season approaches, we want to help out those who can’t take this for granted. Here’s what we are doing – we call it the Home Video Studio Fall Food Drive.
If you bring by a bag of dry and/or canned goods starting today you will receive 30% off your entire order! Now that’s a big discount, but, being in the “precious memory” business we want to help as many people as we can make this a time of breaking bread together. Won’t you help us?
All of your contributions of canned goods and dry, packaged foods will got to a local food bank. Here are popular items that are most needed:

• Chili with beans
• Canned fruit (in juice or light syrup)
• Tuna
• Canned vegetables
• Canned meat
• Soup with vegetables
• Peanut butter

In addition,  essential personal care items are also appreciated.
• Deodorant (any)
• Shampoo/Conditioner
• Bar soap
• Toothpaste
• Toothbrushes (for people of all ages)
• Body wash

Save 30% on: VHS, MIni DV, 8mm tapes to DVD. 
Save 30% on: VHS, MIni DV, 8mm tapes to DVA - The Digital Video Archive Cloud - Watch on your iPad, tablet, phone, etc. 
Save 30% on 35mm Slides transfer. 

Bring your tapes and memories in today!
Open Saturday 10 am to 2:00 pm. 

Home Video Studio Castleton
8148 Raven Rock Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Call today for more information and/or stop by with your bag of food and receive a 30% discount on your entire order!  This promotion is only at our Indianapolis, Indiana location. 
Offer expires on September 30, 2016. 

Want to start your own video production business?
Download my free audio book: 
How to Start & Run 
Your Own Home Video Studio.
Click here to download:

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The World is Changing... Change Your Old Video!

Leading up to the Summer Olympics, exes at NBC Universal thought that the ratings for the 2016 completion would outstrip London from four years ago. After the opening ceremony, they started to become worried. In fact as it turned out viewer across all platforms were down 9%. Even worse… much worse… the Nielsen TV ratings revealed a dim, grim and even grimmer tale. Viewers for the August 5th Open ceremonies were down 28%.

One of the bright spots from this year’s Olympics was streaming video – digital content delivery. Ten percent of NBCU’s ad revenue for Rio came from digital. No doubt viewership patterns will continue to change with the next Olympics.

Note that no one watched the Olympics on a DVD or a thumb drive. I still love TV and I love my DVD business but what I am truly excited about is our DVA business that we are building all over Indianapolis and surrounding areas. Of course, speaking as the CEO of Digital Video Archive… the worldwide business we are building with DVA is what is exciting. Our latest country for us to branch out into is Australia. 

People want to view their personal video in the same way they connect with everybody else now – on their mobile devices. 

Gather up your old movies, tapes and DVDs and find a DVA Authorized Rep to assist you in the professional conversion and upload to your new Digital Video Archive account. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

As you may know... June 14, 1991 was the day that I decided to change my life. I was thirty-five years old. Technically I was an out-of-work Producer/Director/Editor. I was broke. Denise was working full-time as an RN to support our family. We had a three-year old and a six-year old. (Nicole and Aaron) I was a stay-at-home Dad. 

I was ready for a life-change – a game changer as they say. I felt like I was on the verge  something... As May turned into June that year, I felt a growing sense of destiny which was closely followed by a shadow of despair.  As I like to say now (it is easier to say now!) at that time in my life... "I was a “wandering generality.”

June 14, 1991 was a Red Letter Day for me. 

On June, 14th, 1991, I made a decision that would pay off for me personally and financially that year. Eventually that decision would blossom into the Home Video Studio opportunity. The opportunity that many have taken over the years. 

Basically I made a decision to move forward on that day. Before June 14th, 1991, I was allowing myself to be pulled in several directions and going nowhere. After, June 14th, I was totally focused. I had a purpose!   

That purpose has grown into the Home Video Studio Family, the studios, the Getaways, the Advanced Trainings, The Great American Home Movie and Digital Video Archive. I truly value the friendships that Denise and I have made over the years with our studio owners - you - and of course the journey we have been on. It is always the journey right... the destination keeps on moving.

I have taken some incredible risks over the years, had a lot of successes and made a few mistakes as well. Always with me has been that purpose that I found 25 years ago.

It's good to remember the past and then move forward - ever forward. 

I truly love what I do and I appreciate all of you. Please join us for the next twelve months as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary! 

Robert Hanley
CEO, Home Video Studio & Digital Video Archive

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Your DVDs are Fading Away!

DVDs were the state-of-the-art for more than ten years in the video and home movie transfer industry. But there's a new kid in town: The DVA (Digital Video Archive) – Video in the Cloud. It's like the "Changing of the Guard" – a watershed moment in history. Plus, you may have already found something out. There are a lot of devices that will not play a DVD! 

Your brand new Apple computer is one of them; plus your IPad, IPhone, Android tablet, smartphone, etc. Many new Windows

If you have DVDs of your family (or of personal content) from the past five to ten years, beware: your memories are in danger of vanishing! It may already be too late. Of all the old media that we transfer, believe it or not, the DVDs are the most perishable. Here's why: 

Most DVDs are not archival. When Home Video Studio transfers video to a DVD we always use Platinum Archival DVDs. Most other companies do not. In fact many just use plain old store-bought DVDs. Worse yet, they may have used "consumer" encoding and not Professional Encoding. Even worse, perhaps you or a friend "burned" your DVDs on a home computer. This might have made sense at the time but your images are now in jeopardy of being lost. Those old DVDs are degrading quickly. It's time to transfer to a DVA – Digital Video Archive – Video in the Cloud! 

We'll Transfer Your Old DVDs to DVAs! Watch on your Computer, Smartphone, Tablet & Smart TV!

Call Home Video Studio for your DVA Transfers!
It's fun and easy! Once we have transferred your content to your new DVAs, you'll receive access to your new Digital Video Archive account. With your new DVA account, you can view, edit, share and modify your movies and videos. You'll want to invite your friends and family as Viewers so you can share your video with them. This will give them access to the DVAs you would like for them to see and enjoy. You can also grant ("gift") DVAs to them. Every DVA has smart chapter markers with thumbnail images, just like the old DVDs, so you and your viewers will be able to fully experience each DVA. 

Here's a great bonus! With your new Digital Video Archive account you can immediately begin uploading your own personal videos from your smartphone or computer. You'll be able share these videos with your friends and family as well. Plus, your friends and family will receive free DVA accounts and can begin uploading their videos too. Soon you'll have new DVAs from them to watch as well! 
Upload your smart phone video to your Digital Video Archive account!

"DVDs were the state-of-the-art for more than ten years in the video and home movie transfer industry. But there's a new kid in town..."

Instantly Share Your DVAs with Anyone on the Planet!
Ready to get started? You can get your own free DVA Account today! at Or... bring your videos, film DVDs and other video content to us!

Start Your Own Home Video Studio!

Change Your Life and Lifestyle!

Call Robert Hanley Today at 
1-866-714-1956 or 1-317-358-5932.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How Do You Transfer iPhone and Android Video to the Cloud? Answer: DVA & Digital Video Archive!

I received this question the other day from Kasey via facebook: “How long would it take to transfer videos from iPhone to dvd? Hours? Days? Need to plan to be without my phone. Thank you so much. Love what you do.”

Kasey… thank you! We love what we do too!

Kasey brings up a great question and a big problem for millions of people who are recording video on their smartphones. How in the heck to get that video off of the phone and then into a format that can be useful to people? How do you transfer video to the cloud? How do you transfer your iPhone video? How do you transfer your Android video? And even how do you transfer VHS to the cloud?

Digital Video Archive (DVA) is the answer. While it is possible to transfer smartphone to DVD, that is not a great solution. A smartphone transfer to DVA allows anyone to experience their video content on any device they wish – computer, laptop, smart TV, tablet and of course your smartphone!

You can get a free DVA account at and actually start uploading your iPhone or Android video today. Once uploaded, you can instantly share your videos with anyone on the planet.

"Instantly share your video with anyone on the planet!"

With DVA you can upload videos directly from your phone, tablet or computer to your personal DVA account: Friends, Family, Kids, Babies, Weddings, Births, Parties, Vacations, Sports, Prom, Graduations, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Cookouts and everyday life. The list is endless. Once they're uploaded to your Digital Video Archive, you can invite your viewers - friends and family. Your DVA experience is just beginning.

If you've got old film, video or DVDs, a Digital Video Archive Authorized Rep can assist. You can find a DVA Authorized Rep at:

Once you have opened a free DVA (Video to the Cloud) Account you will want to invite viewers - your friends and family. Decide which of your videos (DVAs) you want each viewer to see. You can let everyone see everything or choose certain individuals to see select DVAs. For example, you may want everyone to see your wedding videos, but only share the delivery of your first born with someone special. Anyone you invite to be a viewer will receive an invitation to create their own free DVA account. Then, when they log into their new Digital Video Archive, they will see the videos you have chosen for them, plus they can immediately start uploading their own videos, inviting viewers and sharing their new DVAs.

As you add more friends and family and share video with them you will begin building your own Digital Video Archive as well. Your viewers will share their video with you too - those precious and special moments and memories both recent and from the past. Everyone can now have all of the family videos and memories in their own Digital Video Archive. Sharing DVAs and receiving shared DVAs with your Digital Video Archive community is really fun!

Now with all of your videos in one place (smartphone and old home movies) you can organize them any way you want: by subject, by date, by person - you decide. Put in titles and descriptions. Plus you can be creative as you want to be with our easy-to-use online editor. Combine clips. Cut parts you don't want. Add titles, transitions, and effects. Choose themes. With DVA’s sharing feature you can collaborate with your friends, family and colleagues.

So for Kasey from Facebook… and everyone else on the planet… You can transfer your iPhone video to the cloud via DVA – Digital Video Archive!

For more information go to

For transferring old home movies to the cloud (Digital Video Archive) you can go to

If you are a content producer and want to convert video to the cloud go to

For video, audio and DVD transfer go to

And if you want to change careers and start your own video production business go to

Oh and one last thing, if you are in Indiana and want drop off film or video go to

And one more last thing… want to find an Home Video Studio location near you? Go to

May the Force be with You

Robert Hanley