Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wire Recorders and Wire Recording Transfers to CD and DVA - Digital Video Archive

Did you know that there was audio recording before audio tape? “What did they use to record on?” you might ask. The answer? Wire. Not magic wire. Not wire from another planet. Just basic wire.
The trick came in the wire capable of being magnetized in a special recorder.  If you held a microphone toward a sound source (someone talking or singing, an orchestra, a dog barking, etc.) it would detect different pressures in the sound, convert that into an electric current, and represent that sound by magnetizing areas of the wire. To play back the recording you just needed a machine capable of decoding the special magnetic representation of the original sound.

What did these machines look like?
Wire Recorder Circa 1946

As you can see, it’s not that much different than a magnetic tape recorder/player. Mostly because they operated on the same principle of a medium being coded and decoded by running over an electromagnetic device.

Are there any wire recorder/players today? Well, yes, but they are rather rare and extremely touchy! We pride ourselves on maintaining an arsenal of rare and obsolete machines to transfer your old audio formats, including wire recorders.
You may have some old wire recordings and not know what they are. Here’s normally what they look like:
The actual wire is as thinner than fishing line...

Imagine what you might hear if you got that recording decoded and transferred to a modern medium! You might even hear your- great grandfather’s voice! Or the family’s new Model-T starting up for their first ride!

At we take pride in preserving old memories and bringing them back – including wire and other rare and obsolete media! For More information on wire recorders and wire recording transfer go to or email

Note: Wire Recordings can be transferred to Gold Archival CDs and also to DVAs (Digital Video Archive)

Oh and one more thing. If you like video and want to change careers check out

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