Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Don’t Store Videotapes in Your Oven! True Stories of Videotape Repair!

Videotape Repair
Has something like this ever happened to you? You've decided to take a look at some of your old videotapes, but you discover that the tape is broken or it jams in your old VCR. You get very upset since this is your wedding from 25 years ago! What to do?

First… Don’t panic.

Second, carefully remove the tape from the VCR if possible. If it is stuck in the VCR, you can bring the entire VCR to Home Video Studio Indianapolis: http://homevideostudio.com/cas. We will fix it for you! You can also go to: HomeMovieTransfer.com

Problem solved!

Over the past twenty years, we've seen just about every kind of tape problem. We've repaired thousands of tapes, and can we tell you some amazing true stories, like the lady who "accidently" turned on her spare oven while preparing her Thanksgiving meal. For some unbelievable reason, this oven is where she stored her videotapes! Of course we were there to help and repaired her tapes.

"...this oven is where she stored her videotapes! "
What's your story? What is your tape repair need? Home Video Studio Indianapolis can help with a quick repair of your priceless memories on videotape and then a transfer to DVD or DVA – the Digital Video Archive Cloud http://digitalvideoarchive.com.

Home Video Studio Indianapolis specializes in the repair of VHS, VHS-C, 8mm, Hi8, and Digital8 tapes. We also repair Audio Cassettes, Micro and Mini Audio Cassettes, Mini DV videotapes, ¾ Inch video tapes and BETA video tapes.

We offer a lifetime guarantee on all tape repairs and offer a same day service if you need it. Call us today to discuss your video tape repair issue: 1-317-577-8220. 1-800-660-8273. We’re happy to help.

Oh and one more thing. If you like video and want to change careers check out http://myhomevideostudio.com.

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