Friday, February 12, 2016

Breaking $36,000.00 in 35 Days & Breaking into the Video Production Business - Home Video Studio Origin Stories

Robert Hanley President, Home Video Studio
$36,000 in 35 Days! That is pretty amazing and yet it is normal for our Home Video Studio. After all these years, I still run my own studio out of my house and I still make tons of money. I love the money part but I have a real serious passion for editing and transferring video and for helping other people establish their own Home Video Studios.

So how do you make that final Leap of Faith that allows you to jump into Home Video Studio and run your own business? I can point you to how others who have come before you have done it.

Many owners have journeyed to Indianapolis. They have either attended a Show ‘N Tell Saturday or have picked their own personal day to come meet me and see our studio.  I fondly remember owners such as Chad Godfrey, David Gardner, Andy Conte, Tony and Lori Melendez, Pete Gallo, John and Tammy Montgomery, Peter and Sharon Galluzzo and many, many more when they came to SNT.

David Gardner Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Others purchased over the phone and email: Dan Weiniger, Roy Wilson, Jack Bara, Arthur Bradshaw, Eli Brollo, Mark Kaiser, Richard Lopez, Chris Moen, Michael Ondrasik and many, many more. We had conversations, webinars and emails and then they signed on the dotted line.

Chad, Tony & Lori, Pete, Peter & Sharon, Arthur and Chris started part-time.

John & Tammy, David, Michael, Eli, Mark, Richard and Dan started full-time.

Tony Melendez & Alan Fon
Chad was in audio. Tony was a teacher. Lori ran a daycare. Peter was in high end IT. Arthur worked for a big company. Chris worked for a home theatre company. John was retired Navy. Tammy was a stay at home Mom. David was running his own video production company already. Richard was an auto service manager. Eli was in-between. Dan had had many positions and was a stay-at-home dad.

Eli was living in Shanghai and wanted to move to Alaska. She purchased over the phone and shortly after that arrived for Advanced Training! Chad and his wife were expecting their first child. Michael wanted to leave Fed Ex. Roy was a nuclear plant engineer and had a passion for video.

Every one is different and yet the same. Everyone has his or her “HVS Origin” story. It’s that moment when they made the decision to move forward. They made a decision to take the next step. Everyone had their own fears but they all took the Leap of Faith.

I invite you to take your own Leap of Faith. Call me. Come See me. Email me. Take the next step. Don’t fall back into the same old rut.  

Chad Godfrey setting up a shot in his studio
We have a lot of opportunities coming up. You can attend the February 20th Show ‘N Tell. We also have a fantastic Show ‘N Tell coming up on March 5thThat one is our Advanced Training Show ‘N Tell so you will meet Chad, Tony, John and Arthur and many more of our owners at that event.

Here is the way Show ‘N Tell Saturday works. We start on Friday. We always have a nice dinner on Friday night. This is a “break-the-ice” dinner and you will meet me and my wife Denise and other SNT attendees. At the March 5th SNT several owners will join us for dinner on Friday evening. So you will get to chat with them that night and again at breakfast on Saturday.

We start early on Saturday. We will take you through everything about starting and running a Home Video Studio that day. SNT is held at my Home Video Studio so you will be right in my studio the entire day. This gives you a chance to see our studio equipment, our jobs in house and of course the content and context of HVS. This is a marvelous day and a day that changes lives. I urge you to attend.

Here’s what it takes to attend. You need to call me at 317-358-5932 or email me at and make arrangements to attend. Space is always limited and especially at our Advanced Training Show ‘N Tell.  Give me a call and we can discuss your situation and what it takes to attend. We do credit you for your travel, meals, car rental and hotel should you come aboard.

Advanced Training in Indianapolis Jonathan's Class
Now for those of you who want to be like Eli Brollo… there is still time to call me and attend Advanced Training 2016 as an owner! Get a jump start! I have been helping people make a transition into running their own studio for over fifteen years. Eli’s story is a great example of making it happen. Eli called me on a Friday and a few weeks later she was in Indianapolis her first training. I recall that she even attended mass with Denise and I on that first trip into Indy.  Eli was living in Shanghai China! Today she lives in Anchorage, Alaska and runs her own Home Video Studio from her home.

Everyone has situations, obligations, kids being born and children getting ready to go to college. You want to know the really scary thing? The really scary thing is to continue to do what you have been doing and not taking action. We’re all going to die. None of us are getting out of here alive but some of us (hopefully you too) will have lived our lives with gusto, taken opportunities when they appeared, broken though the fear and become more than we were. Plus we will have left a legacy and pathway for our children to follow.
The Home Video Studio Family

Join us. Join the Home Video Studio Family.  Call me at 317-358-5932 or toll free 866-714-1956. You can also email me:

Remember, I just made over $36,000.00 in 35 days! I can teach you to do the same thing.

May the Force be with You!

Best regards,

Robert Hanley
President & Founder Home Video Studio.

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